Our New Neighbor?

Protect our neighborhood from the massive Amazon shipping warehouse

Our new neighbor?

We are residents and owners of 888 7th Street, a community of people from all walks of life – like San Francisco.

Amazon is proposing to build a massive new shipping depot – roughly the size of Chase Center Arena and nearly as tall as our building – at 7th and Berry Streets. It will allow Amazon to expand its share of last-mile deliveries to customers’ doors — reducing Amazon’s reliance on UPS and the US Postal Service. And it would operate 24/7, 365 days a year.


亞馬遜去年宣布計劃在我們的大樓對面的900 號第7 街,前 Recology院子建造一個 817,000 平方英尺、58 英尺高的配送中心。這個項目將對我們的屋宇和我們的社區產生重大影響。為作回應,
關心及擔憂這事件 的888號第7街的業主和居民齊聚一堂,提倡我們社區的健康、安全和生活質量。


• 不間斷運營:一年 365 天,每天 24 小時
• 每天 175 輛送貨車,每晚 20 輛貨運卡車,以及員工私家車在多個班次中佔用395 個屋頂的停車位,這 會引致:

• 行人安全性降低—尤其是小孩及長者
• 增加污染—除了加州火車Caltrain的排放,還有相關的健康影響。
• 這個龐大的航運基礎設施—大致相當於 Chase Arena 的大小—將在我們的社區造成一個死亡的區域,而 不是為一個重要的、適合步行的區域做出貢獻。


Say No to Amazon!

Email the San Francisco Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors to tell them what you think about the Amazon Project.


TO:  CPC.900-7thStreet@sfgov.org
CC:  Board.of.Supervisors@sfgov.org

Dear Planning Commissioners:

I am a nearby resident/business/community member of the former Recology site on 7th Street where Amazon is proposing to build a major shipping depot. I am concerned about the impacts of this project on my health and safety, and on our neighborhood. Please vote NO on the authorization of this project


Learn about other concerns you can raise here.

Why this matters

The City's General Plan envisions our neighborhood as a active hub mixing housing, in particular affordable housing, with jobs that build upon our district's historic design-related businesses. Walkable streets, everyday services, and transit mean residents and workers don't have to rely on cars, minimizing pollution and carbon emissions.

The Amazon shipping depot threatens rather than advances this vision for our neighborhood.

Not a pretty picture

The UPS shipping center at 16th Street and San Bruno Avenue is very similar to the facility Amazon is proposing — only the Amazon project is three times larger. In fact, if you add up the building and rooftop parking it is roughly the size of Chase Arena.

But scale isn't the problem.

It’s a question of how the project enhances our neighborhood’s health and vitality – or hurts it.

Costco [shown left in this collage], like the Amazon shipping depot, presents a block-long blank wall with no ground floor uses to activate the street or engage the neighborhood. Add to this the daily cycle of freight trucks, delivery vans and employee cars, and the result is a dead zone in the heart of our neighborhood.

A healthy and thriving community

What gets built on this site will shape our neighborhood for decades to come. We call on the City to uphold the vision for our neighborhood as set forth in the San Francisco General Plan: A safe, walkable and healthy neighborhood of homes and jobs that brings together people from diverse backgrounds.

Photo by Brian Rose

Get in Touch

Email us at 888amazonresponse@gmail.com